
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

Event schedule



name (type) min/max
id (long) 0/1 Unique ID (TODO change to UUID)
version (long) 0/1 Version
eventScheduleDate (eventScheduleDate) 0/unbounded Dates et horaires
startDate (string) 0/1 Start date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
endDate (string) 0/1 End date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
repeating (boolean) 0/1 Indicates if a repeating pattern is defined to schedule the event
repeatingType (eventRepeatingTypeEnum) 0/1 Repeating type can be daily, weekly, ...
repeatingInterval (int) 0/1 Repeating interval. For example, if the repeating type is weekly and repeating interval is 2, the event will repeat itself every 2 weeks.
repeatingDaysOfWeek (dayEnum) 0/unbounded Repeating days of week when the repeating type is weekly


property type description
id id (long) Unique ID (TODO change to UUID)
version version (long) Version
eventScheduleDate array of eventScheduleDate (eventScheduleDate) Dates et horaires
startDate startDate (string) Start date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
endDate endDate (string) End date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
repeating repeating (boolean) Indicates if a repeating pattern is defined to schedule the event
repeatingType repeatingType (eventRepeatingTypeEnum) Repeating type can be daily, weekly, ...
repeatingInterval repeatingInterval (int) Repeating interval. For example, if the repeating type is weekly and repeating interval is 2, the event will repeat itself every 2 weeks.
repeatingDaysOfWeek array of repeatingDaysOfWeek (dayEnum) Repeating days of week when the repeating type is weekly